Berufliche Sozialisation und Rollenverständnis der Geschlechter in der Gegenwart : Dargestellt am Beispiel von Frauen in der Schutzpolizei

This empirical study examines the professional role as well as aspects of the professional socialization of femal police officers in the regional police of the German Bundesländer Bremen and Schleswig-Holstein. This study contains a theoretical and an empirical part. All 906 policewomen of Bremen and Schleswig-Holstein were questioned in may 1999. The questionnaire was answered by 490 policewomen between the ages of 17 and 46 working as middle or higher ranking officers. Expectations of colleagues and superiors are dealt with as well as role conflicts and genderspecific sanctioning of policewomen as for example in sexual harassment. An outline of the male professional role in the police service shows the kind of traditional conditions and role expectations policewomen are confronted with in their job.



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