Influence of dietary fat on the oral bioavailability of the flavonol quercetin

Knowledge about the bioavailability of flavonoids is a prerequisite for the estimation of their potentially beneficial in vivo effects. The flavonol quercetin is one of the most predominant flavonoids with regard to quantity in the Western-style human diet and it is also one of the most studied. Among other factors, the composition of the diet may exert an influence on the bioavailability of quercetin. The present study investigated the influence of the amount of dietary fat (3, 17, or 32% crude fat content) as well as the influence of the chemical composition of dietary fat (long-chain vs. medium-chain triacylglycerols) on the oral bioavailability of co-ingested quercetin in pigs. In summary, it is demonstrated that both the fat content and the fatty acid pattern of dietary fat influence the oral bioavailability of quercetin. With respect to the systemic availability of dietary flavonoids, diet composition has to be considered as an important factor.



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