Studies on the market assessment of aquaculture research by a small producer country
This dissertation consists of several essays, each one dealing with a specific aspect of the estimation of induced benefits from aquaculture R&D. The first essay gives an overview of the development of capture and aquaculture production, as well as fish consumption. The second essay analyses the quality of international fish trade data. The third essay provides a network analysis of international fish trade. The fourth essay deals with the current strength and future direction of aquaculture R&D, as anticipated by aquaculture experts. The fifth essay analyses econometrically the demand for fish in Germany. The last essay, finally, presents a simulation model for estimating the potential benefits of aquaculture R&D. This simulation model makes use of many of the data and insights generated in the earlier essays. The economic evaluation of aquaculture R&D conducted in Germany provides a basis for decision making and public investments into aquaculture R&D.
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