Free lipid radicals and nitroxide radicals in dispersed systems studied by EPR spectroscopy

The interfacial structure of dispersed systems is well known as the main reaction site of lipid oxidation. To elucidate this site-directed oxidation process the partitioning behavior as well as the location and reaction kinetic of free lipid radicals and antioxidants were investigated by various EPR and NMR experiments.

In dispersen Systemen findet die Lipidoxidation hauptsächlich an den Phasengrenzen statt. Zur Aufklärung der ortsspezifischen Oxidationsprozesse wurden das Verteilungsverhaltung, die Lokalisierung und die Reaktionskinetik von freien Lipidradikalen, stabilen Radikalen und Antioxidantien mit verschiedenen ESR- und NMR-Techniken untersucht.


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