Losing Human(itarian) Capital : Exploring Micro and Macro Determinants of Refugee Labour Market Integration

The conflict in Syria has displaced millions of people, and has forced 5.5 million Syrians to flee the country altogether by 2016. This is just the latest instance in a long series of instabilities around the world that have pushed people out of their homes, and into new host countries. According to the United Nations, as many as 25.9 million individuals around the world were estimated to be refugees in 2017. With a perpetuity in frozen conflicts, asymmetric warfare, and failed states, return for many of these refugees is increasingly unlikely. Therefore, finding durable solutions for the new arrivals in the destination countries has become critical. Even though lessons from history, and much of the academic community insists that labour market integration is the most appropriate response a host country can take in light of increased refugee movements, exclusion of refugees from the labour market is still more commonplace. This dissertation contributes to the field of refugee studies by examining the factors that facilitate and hinder labour market integration of refugees through micro and macro perspective. Furthermore, all chapters aspire to give evidence-based suggestions for labour market policy reforms, thus aiming to make a practical contribution to the field. Since policymakers in Europe and beyond are on a learning curve due to recent refugee movements, it presents a prime opportunity for the academic community to pitch in by providing evidence-based policy advice, in order to limit further loss of human(itarian) capital.


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