Geophysikalische Erfassung von Feuchte- und Substratheterogenitäten im Boden auf unterschiedlichen Skalen

Soils interact with the hydro-, bio- and atmosphere and fulfil different environmental functions. Sufficient analysis of current and historical processes in soils is necessary to optimise soil conservation and to minimize damage to the ecosystem. Modelling of transport processes in soils provides knowledge of the complex environmental interaction. This requires extensive data with an appropriate resolution. The general aim of this thesis was to use geophysical methods for determining spatial and temporal heterogeneity of water and substrate. DC-geoelectrics and GPR provide three-dimensional images of near surface structures based on changes in electromagnetic and electrical conductivity. It is shown that geophysical methods enable spatial mapping of soil properties on different scales and that these methods can be used at different scales. This is important for a variety of reasons in disciplines such as soil sciences, hydrology and agronomy.



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