Wrapping layered graphs

We present additions to the widely-used layout method for directed acyclic graphs of Sugiyama et al. [16] that allow to better utilize a prescribed drawing area. The method itself partitions the graph's nodes into layers. When drawing from top to bottom, the number of layers directly impacts the height of a resulting drawing and is bound from below by the graph's longest path. As a consequence, the drawings of certain graphs are significantly taller than wide, making it hard to properly display them on a medium such as a computer screen without scaling the graph's elements down to illegibility. We address this with the Wrapping Layered Graphs Problem (WLGP), which seeks for cut indices that split a given layering into chunks that are drawn side-by-side with a preferably small number of edges wrapping backwards. Our experience and a quantitative evaluation indicate that the proposed wrapping allows an improved presentation of narrow graphs, which occur frequently in practice and of which the internal compiler representation SCG is one example.


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