Influence of Attitudes on Willingness to Choose Time-of-Use Electricity Tariffs in Germany. Evidence from Factor Analysis
Time-of-use (TOU) electricity tariffs are a demand side measure to ease balancing of demand and supply to cope with a rising share of renewables in a country’s electricity mix. In general, consumers require compensation for accepting these tariffs. This study analyzes how attitudes drive consumers’ willingness to choose a TOU tariff in Germany. To identify attitudinal profiles, I use an exploratory factor analysis on items capturing positive and negative attitudes towards TOU tariffs, climate change awareness, and belief in energy saving measures. I use these factors as predictors in an ordered logit specification to estimate consumers’ stated willingness to choose a TOU tariff. Three factors are significant: positive and negative attitudes towards TOU tariffs, and climate change awareness. These findings highlight that decision makers who aim at balancing demand and supply through the use of TOU tariffs should focus on informing consumers about the positive impacts of these tariffs on climate change mitigation, grid stability, and possible energy savings.
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