Triangles, Long Paths, and Covered Sets

In chapter 2, we consider a generalization of the well-known Maker-Breaker triangle game for uniform hypergraphs in which Maker tries to build a triangle by choosing one edge in each round and Breaker tries to prevent her from doing so by choosing q edges in each round. The main result is the analysis of a new Breaker strategy using potential functions, introduced by Glazik and Srivastav (2019). Both bounds are of the order Θ(n3/2) so they are asymptotically optimal. The constant for the lower bound is 2-o(1) and for the upper bound it is 3√2.

In chapter 3, we describe another Maker-Breaker game, namely the P3-game in which Maker tries to build a path of length 3. First, we show that the methods of chapter 2 are not applicable in this scenario and give an intuition why that might be the case. Then, we give a more simple counting argument to bound the threshold bias.

In chapter 4, we consider the longest path problem which is a classic NP-hard problem that arises in many contexts. Our motivation to investigate this problem in a big-data context was the problem of genome-assembly, where a long path in a graph that is constructed of the reads of a genome potentially represents a long contiguous sequence of the genome. We give a semi-streaming algorithm. Our algorithm delivers results competitive to algorithms that do not have a restriction on the amount of memory.

In chapter 5, we investigate the b-SetMultiCover problem, a classic combinatorial problem which generalizes the set cover problem. Using an LP-relaxation and analysis with the bounded differences inequality of C. McDiarmid (1989), we show that there is a strong concentration around the expectation.


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