Real‐time capable multiple‐input–multiple‐output SONAR systems—An algorithmic approach

In recent years, significant effort has been allocated to research on multiple‐input–multiple‐
output (MIMO) sound navigation and ranging (SONAR) and RADAR systems. Most work
has been conducted on the general theoretical functionality of such systems. Less effort has
been applied to considerations of the real‐time MIMO capability, although this is an
important factor for the application of these new algorithms in real SONAR systems. To
account for this, the following work focusses, after introducing the used methodology and
revisiting the general MIMO idea and considered system, on more effective permutations
of the involved algorithms in the reduction of floating ‐point operations. In this context, the
general necessity of the algorithms utilized is shown. Furthermore, it is proven that the
reduction in computational load does not affect the performance of the system. In addition,
the main algorithmic parts of MIMO systems can be exchanged almost arbitrarily under
given restrictions without changing the result. Therefore, the performance differences in
floating ‐point operations are depicted to give an estimate of the achievable degree of
complexity reduction. The results for the investigated systems and algorithms are obtained
by applying a system simulation of a simple underwater channel. The obtained results were
also verified using a real MIMO SONAR system operating in real time.



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