Untersuchung der ästhetischen Wirkung ausgewählter Eckzahnparameter

The aim of this study was to analyze the esthetic perception of selected canine features, namely crown length, shade, inclination, and angle of incisal edge tip. The anterior maxillary teeth of a central European woman were photographed and digitally modified in order to investigate esthetic perceptions of the above four categories. Three groups of examiners with different levels of experience in the field of dentistry (laypersons/inexperienced dental students, advanced dental students, dentists) evaluated the photographs in a random order twice with the help of visual analogue scales. Analysis of Variance revealed at a 5% significance level, that there were statistical main effects for all factors (p ≤ 0.001). No significant differences could be found between the ratings of the groups or the genders with respect to the four feature categories. The best-evaluated canines had approximately the same length as the central incisor (1:0.95 med. Inc.), had the same shade as the other anterior teeth, were best embedded in a lighter overall tooth shade, were aligned upright or slightly orally inclined (0° or -5°), and had a right angled to rounded incisal edge (≥ 90°). In contrast, the canines evaluated as least esthetic were longer than the central incisors (1:1.2 med. Inc.), darker than the rest of the teeth, inclined labially (+10°), and had a tapered incisal edge (≤85°). Laypersons, advanced dental students, and dentists generally evaluated according to the same esthetic standards. Gender did not have a significant influence on evaluation. Clear definitions of esthetically favored shades, incisal edge shapes, inclination, and lengths of the canines could be given.


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