Extrinsic and intrinsic musculature of the raptorial forelegs in Mantodea (Insecta) in the light of functionality and sexual dimorphism
Prehensile raptorial forelegs are prey capturing and grasping devices, best known for praying mantises (Mantodea) within insects. They show strong morphological and behavioral adaptations toward a lifestyle as generalist arthropod predators. In the past, few species of Mantodea were investigated, concerning morphological variability of the raptorial forelegs. Especially the knowledge of foreleg anatomy in the light of functional and comparative morphology is scarce. Our comparative approach is based on the, for arthropods very common, "female-biased sexual size dimorphism" (SSD) that occurs in almost every Mantodea species. Within Mantodea, this SSD is likely leading to a shift of the exploited ecological niche between male and female individuals due to changes in, for example, the possible prey size; which might be reflected in the chosen ecomorphs. In this context, we analyzed the musculature of the raptorial forelegs of female and male specimens in five different species with varying SSD, using high-resolution microcomputed tomography and dissection. We were able to confirm the presence of 15 extrinsic and 15 intrinsic muscles-including one previously undescribed muscle present in all species. Thus, presenting a detailed description and illustrative three-dimensional anatomical visualization of the musculature in Mantodea. Interestingly, almost no observable differences were found, neither between species, nor between the sexes. By elucidating the anatomy, particularly in the context of functionality and SSD, our results complement previous knowledge of the raptorial forelegs, and facilitate a better understanding of the underlying biomechanical system of the predatory strike, and ultimately, a future comparison to other insect taxa.
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