Evaluation of dosimetric effects of metallic artifact reduction and tissue assignment on Monte Carlo dose calculations for 125 I prostate implants

The geometry of the IsoSeed I25.S17plus source is validated by comparing the MC calculated results of the TG-43 parameters for the line source approximation with the TG-43U1S2 consensus data. Four MC absorbed dose calculations are performed in two virtual patient models using the egs_brachy MC code: (1) TG-43-based Dw,w-TG43 , (2) Dw,w-MBDC that accounts for interseed scattering and attenuation (ISA), (3) Dm,m that examines ISA and tissue heterogeneity by scoring absorbed dose in tissue, and (4) Dw,m that unlike Dm,m scores absorbed dose in water. The MC absorbed doses (1) and (2) are simulated in a TG-43 patient phantom derived by assigning the densities of every voxel to 1.00 g cm-3 (water), whereas MC absorbed doses (3) and (4) are scored in the TG-186 patient phantom generated by mapping the mass density of each voxel to tissue according to a CT calibration curve. The MC absorbed doses calculated in this study are compared with VariSeed v8.0 calculated absorbed doses.


The very good agreement of TG-43 parameters of this study and the published consensus data within 3% validates the geometry of the IsoSeed I25.S17plus source. For the clinical studies, the TG-43-based calculations show a D90 overestimation of more than 4% compared to the more realistic MC methods due to ISA and tissue composition. The results of this work generally show few discrepancies with the post-implant CT-based dosimetry studies with respect to the D90 absorbed dose metric parameter. These discrepancies are mainly Type B uncertainties due to the different 125 I source models and MC codes.


The implementation of MAR and TAS on post-implant CT images have no dosimetric effect on the 125 I prostate MC absorbed dose calculation in post-implant CT-based phantoms.


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