Der deutsch-dänische Kreis in der deutschsprachigen Literaturgeschichtsschreibung

Taking the example of the “Kopenhagener Kreis”, “Deutscher Kreis” or “Klopstock-Kreis”, the article examines to which extent the international network at the Danish royal court played a relevant role in German-language literary history at the middle of the 18th century. From the early 19th to the 21st century German-language literary historiography has rarely taken into account the cooperation and mutual exchange between German and Danish intellectuals and writers but instead has focused on Klopstock himself and his significance for German literature. Rather than revising the narrative, the one-sided reconstruction of this chapter of German-Danish literary history is still being upheld in contemporary descriptions. Apart from a few exceptions, global literary historiography also clearly reveals this tendency. The article advocates a reassessment of the German-Danish circle in Copenhagen in order to recognize its particular relevance as an example of productive transcultural exchange.


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