The geometric reason for the non-existence of a MOL(6)

The problem of Euler concerning the 36 officers, (Euler, in Leonardi Euleri Opera Ser I 7:291–392, 1782), was first solved by Tarry (Comptes rendus Ass Franc Sci Nat 1 (1900) 2:170–203, 1901). Short proofs for the non-existence were given in Betten (Unterricht 36:449–453, 1983), Beth et al. (Design Theory, Bibl. Inst. Mannheim, Wien, Zürich, 1985), Stinson (J Comb Theory A 36:373–376, 1984). This problem is equivalent to the existence of a MOL(6), i. e., a pair of mutually orthogonal latin squares of order 6. Therefore in Betten (Mitt Math Ges Hamburg 39:59–76, 2019; Res Math 76:9, 2021; Algebra Geom 62:815–821, 2021) the structure of a (hypothetical) MOL(6) was studied. Now we combine the old proofs and the new studies and filter out a simple way for the proof of non-existence. The aim is not only to give still other short proofs, but to analyse the problem and reveal the geometric reason for the non-existence of a MOL(6)- and the non-solvability of Euler’s problem.


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